Pneumatic Actuators
DownloadsWe are the prominent Pneumatic Actuator manufacturer in Guwahati. Our company offers single-acting pneumatic actuators as well as double-acting pneumatic actuators. Our pneumatic actuators are SIL and ATEX certified.
For the best performance of our products, we use standard materials and follow standard criteria. We are able to boast both quantitative and qualitative production with only the highest quality materials. Because of these, we become the leading Pneumatic Actuator supplier in Guwahati.
We offer rotary and linear types of pneumatic actuators in Guwahati to fulfill your all industrial requirements. Rack and Pinion actuators come in Single and Double acting versions for rotary motion, and single acting actuators are also known as spring return actuators, since they have springs and only use one-sided compressed air. By applying compressed air, the actuator opens and closes. When the air supply is cut off, a spring returns the actuator to its earliest position. In order to open and close, double-acting actuators require two sides of airflow. In comparison to other energy sources, pneumatic air is cost-effective, spark-free, and flammable.
A rotating actuator is also available for 90° and 180° motions. For single and double acting mechanisms, we also make Scotch & Yoke actuators for rotational movement. Three Position actuators are available with 0°, 45°, and 90° displacements, as well as a random middle position. We are well known CE approved manufacturer of Pneumatic Actuators in Guwahati.